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 A story about pillows

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
المدير العام
المدير العام

عدد المساهمات : 256
تاريخ التسجيل : 17/12/2011

A story about pillows Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: A story about pillows   A story about pillows Emptyالسبت يناير 28, 2012 1:11 am

In the name of God the Merciful

Is the true story of a young Moroccan man did not understand the real reason for existence in life, lived a follower and a slave to the whims and desires, accompanied by the owners of the evil, and learn from them in the beginning of smoking, and then moved to the abuse of alcohol and drug forms and types, try all kinds of drugs, thinking that the abuse will ease his problems and crises that pass any human being in this life, but the more over-abuse of drugs whenever I feel Baldhank and misery in his life, and whenever addressing the drug whenever I feel that he does not enjoy but at that moment in which the unconscious, and then accompanied by remorse severe and not complacency after being removed the effect of anesthesia, although the moment of the impact of the drug also in his heart is not satisfied with it because it is in a state is a natural and perhaps the case of a humiliating and ridiculous Tanfea common sense that our fast by God, the young man addicted to several types of drugs and was trying hard to hide it from his parents, forgetting that God Almighty is seen, Making God's lesser viewers to Vzadeh this misery and depression, but the young man, although he entered this world ugly, has cultivated a plant a good parent, it was his conscience scolded repeatedly for his actions and was trying to quit smoking and do anything ugly , but the morals and strong motivation to quit was not available to him, in addition to the strong will that was lacking, so that the many sins that by not taught continually to prayer and worship.

Recently more than our friend and Entourage ill from eating psychedelic putty, and one day he met his friends to use, has increased them the amount of putty, which was addressed to arrive to the big stage of anesthesia, nearly reach this dose intake to the stage of insanity, but God's mercy they wanted only to send the divine for them to wake up from their sins and Gvlathm not worthy of those who honored God, especially after that gone in the deal, where the event was a shock for all have felt the horror of responsibility if it was the young man's mind what to do?? What will they say to his parents?? Here was a pause all of them .. Why do we do this?? Why terrorism around the drug use?? We have absorbed the young people the message the Lord, and they read, or rather read their instincts sound rooted in them, so they decided to quit once and for taking any narcotic drug, but also decided that Ioazbwa to pray or Iktauha never, and here was the first step of the way right and proper, the first step of repentance from sin and return and turn to God.

Closer to the young man to his Lord one step Vshl proximity to God more, The Glory of God Almighty, who approached him that Shubra arm closer to you.

Became our friend closer to God and succeeded so close and knowledge and attachment by the Almighty to give up easily from smoking, it has an incentive great to take off a pleasing God, O God, how wonderful it would leave nothing to God Vakid Almighty will compensate better than it, will compensate comfort and reassure myself, will compensate for sin happily in this world and the Hereafter, and when was the happiness in the distance from God, when she was indulging in the sins of God's words: "and introduce him is a life of hardship and Nhacrh the Day of Resurrection blind" .. We have discovered our friend finally that happiness and satisfaction in the love of God Almighty and obey Him and follow His commands and avoid prohibitions, here becomes the heart relates to God and satisfied with his oath of God, I understand the young man the goal to create for him and for which mocked the God of heaven and earth, mountains, trees and stones and animals, in order to Rights, which is the successor of God on earth, created to worship the Almighty, and reconstructing the land and the right place It behooves, therefore, that employs a capacity terrible filed by the creator of this lofty goal, which was created from him, and that awareness of the reality of life of the world as full of Balahzan and trials, and they life is transient, not grief them, and stay and always full of happiness and true in Paradise.

What does emerge from the cross in the following story is that God created us from the body and spirit, as we feed our bodies with food, drink and rest and recreation and sports, we need to feed the spirit to obey God by prayer, fasting and reading the Koran and do good among the people, but we do not feed the soul Fsnhs alienation and distress in our lives and those of the underlying causes of deviation from the straight path, Valtqrb to God Almighty to make our hearts full of faith, full of the right makrooh falsehood, and the human psyche, if not filled with the right filled with falsehood, how anyone who does not like to fall into the trap of drugs and smoking, to Who's afraid of falling into this dark world which enter is missing and come out of it he was born, you have to arm itself with faith in God Almighty, He who created you Fssoak, and made you the greatest creature on earth, and wants you to be generous cherished not humiliated for a cigarette or Hani head to one of for money to buy him a dose drug, you are a person great not bend your head and Hamtk only God Almighty shall not be a prisoner and a slave to cigarettes, but you are a servant of God is One, then it will not fall, God willing, in this Almsttqa, which occurred when many of our nation's youth when he moved away from God and the methodology of Islam, our young people who are needed in our country Aamrha and Asalehoha, but this dangerous scourge turned them from young people a strong and positive and beneficial to the community to the youth of a weak structure, and vigor, a negative nor are his only drug abuse, and thus became youth a burden on society, you can choose to be, and certainly you choose the right path, and benefit from the mistakes of others and they are located, these young people repent for their sins, and there are other stories of young people not Atedoa of messages sent to them, and gone in disobedience and immersion in the mud addiction, was the end is tragic all the sense of the word
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A story about pillows
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